(Via Brian Honan) Physical tampering with laptops and other devices is a worry, especially when travelling. The Independent reports that a pair of security researchers have come up with with an elegant way to put a tamper-proof seal on mobile devices: glitter nail polish!
The trick is to take a photo before and after, and compare the pattern. Glitter nail polish creates a unique random pattern that cannot be replicated, so even if the baddies have an identical bottle of bling – it won’t look the same.
Researchers Eric Michaud and Ryan Lackey proposed the glamorous security measure at Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg this week.
Protect Your Mobile Device with Glitter Nail Polish http://t.co/V888jJltHU << so I might need to ask a female friend for help :)
Protect Your Mobile Device with Glitter Nail Polish http://t.co/a8GOPatvEV via @brianhonan :)
Protect Your Mobile Device with Glitter Nail Polish http://t.co/IbLTITe5sT