
Facts About LinkedIn’s Irish members

photo_about_us_hero_646x220_v1Yesterday we brought you the news that LinkedIn has signed up more than 1 million Irish users.  Here are some facts which LinkedIn have shared about their users.

The following are the top three most popular entries across a range of categories based on LinkedIn’s Irish membership.


  1. HSE
  2. AIB
  3. Bank of Ireland


  1. University College Dublin
  2. Dublin Institute of Technology
  3. Trinity College Dublin


  1. Hi-tech
  2. Financial Services
  3. Construction


  1. Irish Executives
  2. Ireland Business and Professional Network
  3. Engineers Ireland Official Group

The Diaspora factor

Additional LinkedIn data from a soon-to-be-published report reveals that over 100,000 of its Irish members now live and work abroad, 50% of whom are still based in Europe.  Overall, Irish emigrants are 47% more likely to work in CXO (corporate officer) positions than Ireland based employees.  Interestingly, there are more Irish emigrants working as corporate officers in Corporate, High-Tech and Finance industries than those based in Ireland.

The most popular functions of Irish emigrants based on their geographic location is as follows:

  • United Kingdom – Finance
  • United States – Hi-Tech
  • Australia – Construction
  • France – Hi-Tech
  • Canada – Hi-Tech
  • Spain – Hi-Tech
  • Germany – Hi-Tech
  • Netherlands – Hi-Tech
  • Italy – Manufacturing
  • Singapore – Finance


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