So Twitter’s first day on Wall Street has come to a close. For a company that has yet to make a profit, they couldn’t have asked for a better IPO, but starting today they will dance to a different tune of shareholder and analyst expectations.
So what exactly is this value that investors scrambled to get a piece of yesterday? It’s you!
Twitter is nothing without its users, but not all users are equal in value. has done the maths and come up with a calculator which works out how much each twitter user contributes to the company’s market capitalisation of about $24 billion. I have about 2000 followers but I’m a relatively infrequent tweeter, so Time reckons I’m worth just $151.
#TwitterOwesMe $151. What's your account worth?
— Conn Ó Muíneacháin (@conn) November 8, 2013
On the other hand, Michele has over twice the followers and 15 times more tweets. Despite me joining Twitter almost a year before him, Time says he’s worth $5,911.
Twitter owes @mneylon $5,911. What's your account worth?
— Conn Ó Muíneacháin (@conn) November 8, 2013
Of course it’s just for fun, and Michele needn’t expect a check in the post any time soon. But maybe they might give him a few shares? No? Ah – go on!
Twitter’s value comes from it’s users. That’s $151 you owe me @ev ;) via @blacknight
RT @blacknight: What Are You Worth to Twitter?:
So how much would Facebook owe me?
Not sure, but luckily FB stock is up. Maybe you should ask them? :)
How much are you worth to Twitter?