window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-DG7SXGXHF8');


A Chat with Susan from LearnUpon at the Blacknight SME Awards [Video]

We had a great time at The SME Awards on Saturday, which Blacknight sponsored. It was a great chance to meet friends old and new and celebrate Irish SMEs. Thanks to Rick O'Shea and to Damien Mulley and

Microsoft Demos Hololens ‘No Screen’ Interface at Build [Video]

Microsoft's 3-day Build developer conference got underway yesterday in San Francisco and the first day had some interesting developments, such as the news that Windows will compete aggressively with Android on small devices, by making it free

By |April 30, 2015|Categories: Video|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |2 Comments

European Cars will Automatically Phone for Help

The EU Parliament has voted to make the eCall system mandatory in new cars and light vans from April 2018. In the event of a serious accident, eCall automatically dials 112 - Europe's single emergency number

By |April 29, 2015|Categories: General|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |6 Comments

Facebook Safety Check Helps People Reconnect after Nepal Earthquake

Last October, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg launched Facebook Safety Check while on a visit to Tokyo. It's meaningful to be in Tokyo to announce this because the great earthquake and tsunami a few years ago inspired us

LearnUpon wins Grand Prix at Blacknight SME Awards

The inaugural Blacknight SME Awards was held last night at the Radisson Hotel in Cork, and the Grand Prix went to LearnUpon, a learning management system provider, which is growing internationally and exporting its services around

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