Boxing Kangaroos Brawl in the Street [Video]
Male kangaroos often 'box', fighting for dominance and mating privileges. But these two have taken their disagreement into the street in this Australian video which is racking up thousands of views online. Interesting fact: kangaroos
That Awkward Moment in Star Wars when the Music Stops
Take a cheesy romantic adventure story with some corny dialogue and ridiculous costumes, then bring in an Oscar-winning composer and let him transform your film into an epic. What would Star Wars be without John Williams' wonderful score?
Guy Faints Three Times on a Fairground Ride
This lad has my sympathy. It's bad enough losing consciousness on a fairground ride, but to do it three times, and wake up screaming each time. HT: Newstalk.
iOS8 Autocompletes Movie Quotes
XKCD author Randall Munroe has been playing with iOS8 predictive text, and some famous movie quotes.
World’s Craziest Intersection
It looks like College Green on a typical day, but this video of the world's craziest intersection is more about editing than reality. It's a giggle, though. HT: The Verge, via Stewart Curry
Apparently Kid gets a TV Commercial
Apparently this is his first TV commercial. HT: Shutterstock Blog Related articles Apparently Appropriate: Adorable Viral Star Lands Pet Food Commercial 'Apparently Kid' Noah Ritter Does Adorable First Commercial [Video] Could Gerard Depardieu Really be