Tag Archives | Randall Munroe


Simple Answers

Today’s xkcd cartoon is a good one, providing some simple answers to simplistic questions about technology.     Related articles Go Art: xkcd’s latest A Chrome Extension for XKCD Substitutions Lego Minifigs Will Outnumber Humanity By 2019

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World’s Worst WiFi [Podcast #44]

Brought to you by Blacknight, it’s the technology.ie podcast with Michele and Conn.  It’s been three weeks since our last podcast – so forgive  us if this one  is a little long.  We had some catching up to do! Michele’s back from Montenegro where he attended the Eastern Europe ccTLD conference and Webfest.me and discovered the […]

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XKCD’s Randall Munroe Coming To Limerick

The University of Limerick’s computer society, Skynet, is running SkyCon again this year. This time round the event will take place over the weekend of October 6th and 7th and the lineup of speakers is pretty impressive. Randall Munroe, the guy behind XKCD, will be speaking, as will Ubuntu’s Mark Shuttleworth. They’ll be joined by […]

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