Eiffel Tower 8 bit Google Maps version

Google Maps Goes Retro For April Fool’s Day

Love them or hate them, Google does some pretty cool things.

For April Fool’s Day they’ve enabled an 8-bit retro version of Google Maps.

It’s pretty cool if, like me, you’re old enough to remember the days when 8-bit graphics were the norm.

If you’re bored you can check out some of the monuments that have been rendered in “glorious” low resolution 8 bit graphics, such as the Eiffel Tower:

Eiffel Tower 8 bit Google Maps version

Eiffel Tower 8 bit Google Maps version


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  1. Google Easter Eggs | Irish Internet Technology News & Opinion - April 29, 2012

    […] Remember the 1980′s style low resolutions graphics on Google Maps a couple of weeks ago? […]

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