It’s #FoodFriday on Twitter!

It’s #FoodFriday on Twitter today, all over Europe. In Ireland more than 30 Irish restaurants and foodies are taking part in and it is already trending.

Today you can interact with over 300 chefs, restaurants and foodies taking part to share your food passions, discover new places and recipes and get inspired.

This morning, restaurants and chefs will give exclusive behind-the-scenes tours of their kitchens, larders, sharing their tips, anecdotes and stories from inside the kitchen, all on Twitter.

From mid-day, when the hunger sets in and it’s time to look for a place to lunch, searching the #FoodFriday hashtag will lead to food trucks or market stalls and images of users sharing delicious meals. Plus restaurants will be sharing what’s on the menu by tweeting.

This afternoon, restaurants and chefs taking part will treat followers to useful tips, sneaky tricks and special last-minute offers.

Here are a few ideas of how chefs, restaurants, markets and street stalls will make the most of #FoodFriday on Twitter, Vine and Periscope :

  • Offer deals and menus on Twitter with pictures of the day’s best plate of food
  • Share tips and recipes using 30-second Twitter mobile videos or 6-second Vines
  • Tweet out quotes direct from the chefs themselves, giving insight of what it’s like to cook for a restaurant or a food truck
  • Organize a special Q&A session with the chef, staff or restaurant manager on Twitter

For more information, check out the #FoodFriday dedicated hashtag, or subscribe to the European list which includes all the participants that will be using the hashtag today, or the @TwitterDublin list for all Irish participants


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