Earlier today WhatsApp did something pretty interesting. They turned on “end-to-end encryption” for all their users. As far as users of WhatsApp are concerned the interface and user experience hasn’t changed, though you now have the option to get “security notifications”. You can turn on this new feature via the WhatsApp mobile app by going […]
Tag Archives | Federal Bureau of Investigation
The Interview Is Now Available Online (If You’re in the US)
The Interview is now available to stream online, but only if you’re based in the US. If you are in the US you can get full details of how to watch the movie here. At the moment you need a US credit card and IP address to be able to access the movie, but Sony […]
The Police Raid On Kim Dotcom Footage
Megaupload’s Kim Dotcom (Kim Schmitz) has been getting a lot of media coverage in recent months. One of the more recent scandals surrounding the Megaupload founder, however, is not so much related to Megaupload’s activities but to the manner of his arrest. When Kim Dotcom was arrested in New Zealand in January the authorities carried […]