Tag Archives | Operating Systems

Video thumbnail for youtube video The Story Behind The Windows XP Wallpaper

The Story Behind The Windows XP Wallpaper

The default “wallpaper” in Windows XP is probably one of the most viewed photos ever. You’ve probably seen it hundreds if not thousands of times, but was the photo real or merely the result of some clever photoshop work? Find out the real story behind the photo in this video where the photographer who took […]

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Debian User? Check Your Repositories

If you’re a Debian user you may need to verify which repositories you’re using. Apparently one of the unofficial Debian multimedia depositories was using the domain debian-multimedia.org. Unfortunately the domain lapsed and is no longer pointing to valid Debian packages. Not sure if you’re using it or not? Simply run this command in a terminal: […]

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Debian 7.0 Wheezy Released

Debian 7.0 “Wheezy” was released on Saturday. The latest version of Debian brings a number of new features to the open source operating system including “multiarch support”. Multiarch support means that you’ll be able to install both 32 bit and 64 bit software on the same machine without having to worry about dependencies ie. it’ll […]

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Spotify for Linux Preview

Spotify For Linux

With Spotify becoming available in Ireland today a lot of the Irish tech community are probably signing up to take it for a spin .. But what if you don’t use Windows or OSX? Fortunately Spotify has a Linux client that they’re describing as a “preview” release, which is unsupported. Since several of our staff […]

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