[Editor’s note: Starting today, in addition to our usual service, technology.ie will include regular content in the Irish language.  Technology supports choice and opportunity, and while the English language dominates worldwide, almost half of all web content is in a language other than English. It’s not a zero-sum game, and technologists understand better than anyone the benefits of online pluralism, alternative platforms and interfaces, and an open mind.  Irish people are enthusiastic users of English, but we also have another way of relating to the world.  Choosing to do so does not imply a rejection of the wider world, but an assertion of our place in it.]

Cormac Ó hEadhra, RTÉ Raidio na Gaeltachta, 17.00 - 18:00, Luan go hAoine

Cormac Ó hEadhra, RTÉ Raidio na Gaeltachta, 17.00 – 18:00, Luan go hAoine

Dé Céadaoin, d’fhógair ICANN go raibh ceann scríbe bainte amach ag ceithre chinn de fearainn nua barrleibhéil agus go ndéanfar dealagáidiú orthu sa chóras DNS.  Is iad seo na chéad fhearainn atá ina dtoradh ar an bpróiseás leathnaithe, ar cuireadh tús leis breis agus dhá bhliain ó shin, nuair a ghlac ICANN le breis agus 1900 iarratas ar ainmneacha nua.

Déardaoin, bhíos i m’aoi ar an gclár Cormac ag a Cúig ar RTÉ Raidio na Gaeltachta.  Tá an clár iomlán ar Seinnteoir RTÉ, agus cloistear an comhrá a bhí agam le Cormac Ó hEadhra ag thart ar 47 nóiméad.  Nó éist leis an sliocht thíos, le caoinchead RTÉ.



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About the Author: Conn Ó Muíneacháin
Conn Ó Muíneacháin works at Blacknight, Ireland's largest provider of domains and hosting. He's an award-winning radio producer, podcaster and blogger. He's an engineer as well (not the award-winning kind). Conn produces video for Blacknight and edits Technology.ie. Labhair Gaeilge leis!
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2 min readCategories: GaeilgeTags: , , , , Last Updated: October 27, 2013

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