The #VoteYes hashtag is currently trending globally on Twitter. It’s the number one trend in Ireland, together with #hometovote, which has seen thousands of emigrants tweet about the fact that they are making a long weekend of it – peaking at 110 tweets per minute at 9:30 this morning.
Twitter Dublin is promoting the #IVoted and #MarRef hashtags, and Facebook is also encouraging users to share the fact they are voting.
If the referendum was decided on the basis of social media activity, it would appear to be a landslide for the Yes side. However, analysts are warning of a ‘shy no vote’, which could defy the polls.
So are No voters under-represented on social media? Or is the social media support for Yes a true reflection of the electorate?
We’ll find out soon!
Below is a selection of tweets.
This is the scene on the 9:10 London to Holyhead train as Irish abroad return #hometovote #marref
— Naomi O'Leary (@NaomiOhReally) May 22, 2015
The #hometovote queue in dublin airport this evening! Via @broadsheet_ie
— Buzz O'Neill-Maxwell (@buzzoneill) May 21, 2015
Never been more proud to be Irish looking through these #hometovote tweets. Very moving, uplifting and inspiring. Lads, this is class! #YES
— Stephanie McKeon (@Steph_McKeon) May 22, 2015
I have been moved to tears often over the course of #MarRef but sitting here bawling at #HOMETOVOTE Extraordinary #LetsMakeHistory #IDo
— Colm O'Gorman (@Colmogorman) May 22, 2015
The #hometovote is like when you're watching The Hobbit and an army of elves you'd forgotten from earlier in the film arrive over a hill.
— Colm O'Regan (@colmoregan) May 21, 2015 is brought to you by Blacknight. We support Marriage Equality. We also sell domains and hosting.
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