Excitement is building in advance of Web Summit next week. In just four short years it has grown from just 400 attendees at the first event, to 20,000 who will throng the RDS next week. In a post on the Web Summit Blog, founder Paddy Cosgrave admits that, by traditional wisdom, theirs is an unlikely success: Arguably no technology […]
Tag Archives | analytics
Exploring Twitter’s Native Analytics
When Twitter started “wrapping” all hyperlinks using the t.co URL shortener they emphasised that the service would help the platform’s security. But, as they admitted, it was also going to give them access to metrics on how users’ interact with tweets. You can now access a lot of this data for your account via Twitter […]
The Scoble Impact?
Robert Scoble linked to one of our posts last week on Facebook and also retweeted a tweet about it. The impact on some of the metrics caught my eye: I’ve intentionally blanked out the number of retweets, mentions and clicks, as I was more interested in the “potential” metric. 297k! That’s big. But when I […]