You might want to pass right along if you’ve already seen your quota of mushy marriage proposals for 2015 – but seriously, this is a lovely one. Tears and all. Result! Cliff Henry took his girlfriend Fiona Henry for a walk up Killiney Hill, where he had arranged for the band KeyWest to serenade her while he got […]
Tag Archives | bono
Irish Company’s App Puts You in the Band Aid 30 Video
Yesterday saw the release of the Band Aid 30 single, and today Band Aid has announced that they are partnering with Irish company WholeWorldBand to launch the Band Aid Challenge. Already the fastest selling download of the year, Band Aid founder Bob Geldof is hoping to expand on its success with a viral social media […]
Centre Stage Highlights to Watch for at Web Summit Day 3
It’s third and final day of Web Summit at the RDS. There’s a drone demo starting shortly on centre stage. Liam Casey and Tim O’Reilly will talk about The Future of Wearables at 10:35am. (Check out our conversation with Liam here). Peter Thiel is on stage at 4:35pm , and Bono at 5. If you can’t be here, you […]