NSA Proof Font?
So if you're worried about the NSA (and other government agencies) reading your emails, documents etc., then maybe this new font is the solution. Here's a video explaining both how it works, what it looks like
Designer Strikes Back At NSA Presentation Style
While most of the media coverage and social media conversations around the NSA and Prism have focussed on the security and privacy implications, some people obviously thought that the NSA could have done a better job
US Whistleblower Speaks
Yesterday The Guardian not only revealed who was behind the PRISM leak, but also published an interview with him. The man in question is a 29 year old American, Edward Snowden. Here's the interview: [youtube]http://youtu.be/5yB3n9fu-rM[/youtube] The
Anonymous Calling For Internet Blackout To Protest CISPA
Hacktivist group Anonymous is calling for an Internet Blackout to protest CISPA. In a statement on YouTube they expressed concerns about CISPA and called for action: Dear citizens of the internet, We are Anonymous. The United
Netflix Finally Adds Social Sharing In US Market
It's not often that Ireland and the UK are ahead of the US when it comes to "social" features. However in the case of Netflix Irish users have been able to share (or torment) their viewing
White House Staff “Get” Star Wars But Reject Death Star Proposal
The second Death Star under construction in Return of the Jedi (Photo credit: Wikipedia) While some governments seem to have "issues" with moving towards a more "open" government and recognising their citizens wishes, the