The European Parliament has voted to call on EU member states to “drop any criminal charges against Edward Snowden, grant him protection and consequently prevent extradition or rendition by third parties, in recognition of his status as whistle-blower and international human rights defender”. The decision is part of a resolution passed today on the follow-up to […]
Tag Archives | Snowden
Dropbox Follows Twitter by Basing Services in Ireland, as UK Gives Immunity to Spies
If you live outside the United States and use Twitter, then from today that service is provided to you by Twitter International Company, which is based in Dublin. In its announcement last month the company made reference to EU data protection legislation and the move has been viewed as a vote of confidence in Irish […]
Fergal Crehan on “Ireland as a Digital Privacy Powerhouse” [Video]
On Friday, Twitter announced a change to their terms of service and privacy policy which puts Ireland at the centre of its international operations, citing the benefits of European data protection law as a rationale for the move. Just two days earlier, barrister Fergal Crehan spoke at the Blacknight-sponsored Digital Rights Europe Conference on the topic of Ireland as a […]
‘Why I’m Holding Crypto-Parties’ – An Interview with Tommy Collison [Audio]
Today’s podcast is an interview with blogger, student journalist, and encryption advocate Tommy Collison. Currently in his second year at New York University where he majors in journalism, Tommy is well known in Irish blogging circles where he has been active since he was 12. Click on the player above to listen to the show, or download it here: […]
Snowden’s Alternative Christmas Message
Edward Snowden was chosen by Channel 4 to give their “Alternative Christmas message”. While the BBC carried the Queen’s speech where she focussed on the birth of great-grandson, Snowden’s message was focussed on how today’s children will never know privacy. A bit of a contrast! Snowden’s speech, while short, made references to Orwell and contained […]
Will Snowden Be Time’s Person of the Year?
Time will announce their “person of the year” later this week Earlier today they announced the ten people who made it on to the final list: Bashar Assad, President of Syria Jeff Bezos, Amazon Founder Ted Cruz, Texas Senator Miley Cyrus, Singer Pope Francis, Leader of the Catholic Church Barack Obama, President of the United […]
Transit Lounge [Podcast #65]
Join Conn & Michele for the latest podcast. We cast an eye on the trials of Edward Snowden. Hailo extends to Cork! Farewell to Google Reader – and goodbye Alta Vista! Michele’s on the ICANN Expert Working Group which has just published its proposals for rebooting Whois. Blacknight are sponsoring the IIA Net Visionary […]
NSA Proof Font?
So if you’re worried about the NSA (and other government agencies) reading your emails, documents etc., then maybe this new font is the solution. Here’s a video explaining both how it works, what it looks like and how standard OCR technology handles it (or doesn’t ..) What do you think? Good idea? Bad idea? Waste […]
US Whistleblower Speaks
Yesterday The Guardian not only revealed who was behind the PRISM leak, but also published an interview with him. The man in question is a 29 year old American, Edward Snowden. Here’s the interview: [youtube][/youtube] The Washington Post had been contacted by Snowden as well, but they didn’t want to publish as much of the […]