Tag Archives | Law


We Must Solve the Problem of Jurisdiction to Keep Cyberspace Free-to-Roam – Bertrand de La Chappelle [Video]

The internet has no borders; increasingly things get complicated when questions of jurisdiction arise. Bertrand de La Chappelle runs The Internet and Jurisdiction Project, based in Paris, which is working to to establish “a global, issue-based, multi-stakeholder dialogue process between states, International Organizations, companies, civil society and the technical community. The project provides a neutral […]

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The Court of Justice of the European Union, Luxembourg

Graham Dwyer and Data Retention – An Interview with TJ McIntyre of Digital Rights Ireland [Audio]

Today’s podcast is an interview with TJ McIntyre, Chairman of Digital Rights Ireland, about the Irish Data Retention legislation which was challenged recently by defence lawyers in the Graham Dwyer murder case. Click on the player above to listen to the show, or download it here: 27:55; 16MB; MP3. After Graham Dwyer was convicted of the murder of […]

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You Can Forget Uber – but How Do You Make Sure They Forget You?

Lawyer Simon McGarr blogs at Tuppenceworth.ie, mostly about current affairs in general, and digital rights in particular. In the light of recent controversy about Uber, some people have chosen to boycott the service, and delete the app from their phones. But as Simon points out, while you may choose to forget Uber, they may not necessarily forget about you, unless […]

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Intellectual property metro map

Intellectual Property Explained Visually

What’s the difference between a trademark and a patent? What about copyright versus design? The OHIM (Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market) which is the trademarks and designs registry for the European Union, has released a nice graphic to help make sense of the various types of intellectual property rights and how you can […]

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Amnesty Ireland ad Banned on TV, OK on YouTube

As the Constitutional Convention is currently considering how Bunreacht na hÉireann might be reformed, Amnesty Ireland have launched a campaign around a ‘TV’ ad designed to lobby for Economic, Social and Cultural rights to be guaranteed in the Constitution. All part of a healthy political debate, one might say.  Except that there are laws regulating […]

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Irish Copyright Consultation Open

We’ve talked about the digital copyright debacle several times over the past couple of months. With the signing into law of the copyright SI last week some may have felt that the story was over, but in many respects it’s only the end of a chapter. There is now an open consultation on the subject. […]

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