Tag Archives | data


We Must Solve the Problem of Jurisdiction to Keep Cyberspace Free-to-Roam – Bertrand de La Chappelle [Video]

The internet has no borders; increasingly things get complicated when questions of jurisdiction arise. Bertrand de La Chappelle runs The Internet and Jurisdiction Project, based in Paris, which is working to to establish “a global, issue-based, multi-stakeholder dialogue process between states, International Organizations, companies, civil society and the technical community. The project provides a neutral […]

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Facebook Flat but Dominant in Latest Irish Social Media Survey

61% of Irish people aged 15 and over have a Facebook account: more than twice the number on Twitter, its nearest rival at 29%. That’s according to the latest Ipsos MRBI Social Networking Quarterly Survey published today. Twitter membership is slightly ahead of LinkedIn and Google+, which both stand at 24%.  However, Facebook is streets ahead in another important metric, […]

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Interactions online with government

Visualise Irish & European IT Metrics Easily

Everyone loves being able to visualise data and infographics have become very popular in the last couple of years. However being able to generate attractive graphs and graphics requires both skill and access to data. The EU’s Digital Agenda for Europe site removes some of the pain You can quickly and easily generate a range […]

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