Just published by TED-Ed, this animated video tells the story of the International Space Station. [youtube]https://youtu.be/bJ3oTTm_Pdo[/youtube] TED-Ed: The International Space Station is roughly the size of a six-bedroom house and weighs more than 320 cars — it’s so large that no single rocket could have lifted it into orbit. Instead, it was assembled piece […]
Tag Archives | International Space Station
Italian Astronaut in Star Trek Uniform makes First Espresso in Space
Of course there’s a lot to do on board the International Space Station, but for an Italian astronaut, good coffee has to be a priority! So Samantha Cristoforetti became the first person to brew and drink an authentic espresso in space, and in doing so she paid tribute to a fictional female space pioneer who never […]
White House Staff “Get” Star Wars But Reject Death Star Proposal
While some governments seem to have “issues” with moving towards a more “open” government and recognising their citizens wishes, the US government seems to be doing quite a good job .. At least they’ve got a sense of humour and are familiar with popular culture. When someone started a petition on the White House site […]