Tag Archives | animation


The 1916 Rising In Lego

2016 marks the centenary of the 1916 Rising so there’s been and will be a lot of activity throughout the year. The 3rd class in Sunday’s Well Boys School in Cork created this stop frame lego movie that covers the events of the rising, including the execution of the leaders. Enjoy!

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Martin’s Life: Skyping the Sister

“Are we out of Internet again? … You’ve it all used up playing that oul Facebook” says Martin’s mother in this new video from Martin’s Life. Here’s another 60-second slice of authentic Irish life from the mystery animator: Skyping the Sister! [youtube]https://youtu.be/6AOS_9qTg40[/youtube]   “She’s probably drinkin’ away below in Bonsai Beach” observes the mother when Martin’s sister […]

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Cool Animation Tells the Story of the Space Station [Video]

Just published by TED-Ed, this animated video tells the story of the International Space Station. [youtube]https://youtu.be/bJ3oTTm_Pdo[/youtube]   TED-Ed: The International Space Station is roughly the size of a six-bedroom house and weighs more than 320 cars — it’s so large that no single rocket could have lifted it into orbit. Instead, it was assembled piece […]

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Galway Gamers’ Kickstarter Launches Biker Mice for Mobile

Fans of nineties TV animation Biker Mice from Mars have an opportunity to help turn the franchise into a mobile game, thanks to a Kickstarter launched by an Irish company yesterday. Galway-based game developers 9th Impact beat off international competition last year to get the licence to develop a Biker Mice game for Android and iOS. They’ve been working […]

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Surreal Giraffe Diving Video Is Weird and Wonderful [Video]

Giraffes are graceful, if slightly ridiculous creatures, loping across the savanna with their extraordinarily long limbs and necks. They can certainly make you think, about Darwinian evolution, and the relationship between an organism and their ecosystem. But it takes an extraordinary imagination to conceive of giraffes in the way Nicolas Deveaux has done: in a surreal and unlikely spectacle […]

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Fall of the Berlin Wall 1989. Photo: Wikipedia

The Cold War In 9 Minutes [Video]

With this week marking the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall a lot of people are probably a bit curious about the Cold War. So here’s a crash course: [youtube]http://youtu.be/wVqziNV7dGY[/youtube] The video is the latest from Irish actor and artist John Ruddy.

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Video thumbnail for youtube video World Wide Web Explained

World Wide Web Explained

For many people there is very little difference between “world wide web” and “internet”. The terms are used interchangeably by many, but there are distinct differences. This animated video from Ted-Ed gives a really good explanation of what the web is:

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