Tag Archives | Easter Rising


May the Defence Forces be with You! #Sockies16

In the centenary year of the Easter Rising, the Irish Defence Forces proved to be popular winners at last night’s Star-Wars-themed Social Media Awards, or Sockies, held at the RDS in Dublin. Delighted for @defenceforces! Well deserved run of awards this evening. #sockies16 #iestaff pic.twitter.com/Emgr2HMuXP via @TheGregMurphy — Irish Examiner (@irishexaminer) May 25, 2016 The organisation, […]

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The 1916 Rising In Lego

2016 marks the centenary of the 1916 Rising so there’s been and will be a lot of activity throughout the year. The 3rd class in Sunday’s Well Boys School in Cork created this stop frame lego movie that covers the events of the rising, including the execution of the leaders. Enjoy!

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