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Valentia Island transatlantic cable closer to becoming world heritage nominee

A transatlantic cable on Valentia Island has moved closer to becoming a world heritage site, as the Irish Government announced that it was submitting the details of the site to Unesco Paris. Initial attempts to stretch

By |July 21, 2022|Categories: Broadband, History|Tags: |0 Comments

Earliest known report of rare weather phenomenon found in English medieval text

Researchers have discovered what appears to be England’s earliest known account of a rare weather phenomenon, called ball lightning, in a medieval text. Described as a bright spherical object, ball lightning is unexplained and usually associated

By |January 27, 2022|Categories: History, Weather|Tags: , |0 Comments

TikTok adds new features to educate users on the Holocaust and antisemitism

TikTok has unveiled new app features designed to improve education around the Holocaust and combat antisemitism. To mark Holocaust Memorial Day, the social media giant has confirmed that a new banner will now appear at the

By |January 27, 2022|Categories: History, social media|Tags: , , |0 Comments
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