Akamai Visualise Internet Traffic
Akamai carries up to 30% of the web's traffic so when they start talking about data they're not only dealing in big numbers, but also significant percentages of the internet's users. They've made public a lot
How Secure Is Your Twitter Account?
Yesterday AP's Twitter account hack led to US stock markets losing billions of dollars before recovering. So how secure is your Twitter password? How secure are your other social media accounts? What apps have access to
Twitter Powered Cuckoo Clock
Twitter have commissioned a limited edition cuckoo clock that is powered by tweets. The "clock" is called the "flock" and here's a video showing the thinking behind it as well as some insights into how it
Flipboard Gets A Makeover
A few days ago Flipboard released a major update. Now any Flipboard user can create their own "magazine" and populate it with content. They've also announced a new partnership with Etsy, which allows users to explore
Twitter Face Palm Moments
Big brands use Twitter and other social media outlets to engage and promote their products and services. While some might do a better job than others some of the bigger brands have had "face palm" moments
Zemanta Explained
We really like Zemanta, so this infographic caught my eye: (To find out more about how we use Zemanta check this.) Do you use Zemanta? Which features do you like?