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Exciting High Tech Careers with Dairymaster in Kerry [Video]

Christmas is a time for recruiting, especially for companies who want to get the attention of people who are home for the holidays. It's an opportunity Dairymaster are taking very seriously with adverts in the press, radio and airports. They've even

Aer Lingus Shaves its Movember Tache after Raising €35,000

Movember fund raising initiatives at Aer Lingus have raised over €35,000 for the Irish Cancer Society’s prostate cancer service and research fund. During November over 50 staff members grew moustaches and on board collections were organised

Got a ‘Very Particular Set of Skills’? Liam Neeson Could Endorse You on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is all about individuals promoting their 'very particular set of skills' and having others endorse them. So some of their marketing executives spotted an opprtunity to tie in with the new 'Taken 3' movie starring

By |December 15, 2014|Categories: Humour, Video|Tags: , , , , , |4 Comments
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