ICANN 50 is underway in London, and as we’ve reported, it’s the biggest ever. Latest reports are that 2803 people have checked in out of 3787 registered for the event, exceeding the previous registration record of 3141 set in Beijing.
By definition, you can’t get a more online group of people than ICANN. That’s reflected in the networking statistics. ICANN’s Meeting Technical Services Specialist, Josh Baulch, confirmed that the 802.11 wireless systems peaked at 2,123 concurrent users consuming 155Mbps on Monday 23 June. The previous WiFi user record was 1,610, resulting in a 24% increase in associations.
Aggregate traffic on the conference network so far: 2.40TB received, 1.09TB transmitted.
This information comes via Michele Neylon, our man at ICANN!
ICANN 50 Breaks Network Records http://t.co/mYfJNTWNHz via @blacknight
So how much bandwidth does a big conference use? We got some of the data on #ICANN50… http://t.co/9ZoVmWkCDF
RT @blacknight: So how much bandwidth does a big conference use? We got some of the data on #ICANN50… http://t.co/9ZoVmWkCDF
RT @blacknight: So how much bandwidth does a big conference use? We got some of the data on #ICANN50… http://t.co/9ZoVmWkCDF
@blacknight @conn Interesting. Both traffic and associations a little lower than I’d expect, but I’d love to know num on site vs registered,
@natural20 @blacknight We have that data also. Out of 3787 registrations, 2803 had checked in. I’ll update the article.
@conn @blacknight Thanks, still interesting. It seems ICANN attendees have fewer devices and use less BW than other, more techy, confs.
@natural20 @blacknight Or maybe there’s a higher proportion of old-school, command-line types ;)
@conn @blacknight Than at RIPE? :) That said, would be very interested to see how the week progresses.