Twinsters: A Story of Nature and Nurture in the Internet Age
Twinsters is a story of the Internet Age. Identical twins separated at birth, adopted and brought up on different continents, Samantha Futerman and Anaïs Bordier would probably never have met if a friend of Anaïs hadn't
.EUS Domain Names are About Basque Identity [Video]
.EUS is the Top-Level Domain for the Basque community (Euskara): a nation with its own language and culture, originating in a region of Northern Spain and Southern France. Launched in 2014, .EUS will celebrate its first anniversary next month.
Bank of Ireland Lays Down a Trackway for Startups [Video]
Bank of Ireland's Innovation Team was out in force at Web Summit last week, promoting their new StartLab incubation programme. We spoke to their Entrepreneur-in-Residence Gene Murphy. [youtube][/youtube] StartLab is an intensive six-month boot camp; the first Celebrates International Community Manager Appreciation Day [Audio]
Monday next, January 26, is International Community Manager Appreciation Day - yes - it's a thing - and is joining other companies in Ireland and around the world in celebrating the work of community managers. Formed in 1998,
TIDAL Brings Lossless HiFi Music Streaming to Ireland
TIDAL, the first High Fidelity lossless music streaming service with HD music videos and Curated Editorial, has just announced the availability of its service in Ireland. Billed as "the ideal music service for those who care about
The Sopranos – If it Was in Dublin [Video]
This is for everyone who's ever driven around with Woke Up This Morning playing in their heads, chomping a (real or imaginary) cigar. Digital Biscuit is the name of a 3-day international film and technology event
If ‘The Facebook’ Had Been Launched in 1995 [Video]
Mark Zuckerberg launched Facebook in 2004. That was a different world, and Facebook has played a part in shaping the world of today. But imagine if 'The Facebook' (as Zuckerberg originally planned to call it) had been launched in