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Top-level domain

30 SMEs on Shortlist Compete for IEDR OPTIMISE Fund

Voting is underway on a shortlist of 30 SMEs to decide on the companies who will share in the 2016 OPTIMISE Fund run by the IE Domain Registry (IEDR). Chef Domini Kemp at the launch of Optimise 2016,

.EUS Domain Names are About Basque Identity [Video]

.EUS is the Top-Level Domain for the Basque community (Euskara): a nation with its own language and culture, originating in a region of Northern Spain and Southern France. Launched in 2014, .EUS will celebrate its first anniversary next month.

.CLOUD Top Level Domain Launches Pioneer Programme [Audio]

Francesco Cetraro is our guest on today's podcast. He's Head of Registry Operations for the new .CLOUD Top Level Domain. Click on the player above to listen to the show, or download it here: 15:50; 9MB; MP3.

Podcast: “Waving a Massive Red Flag” [Audio]

Blacknight CEO Michele Neylon joins me for a chat on  this week's podcast. Click on the player above to listen to the show, or download it here: 31:48; 18MB; MP3. Michele thinks Ashley Madison, the cheaters website whose entire

Expanded Domain Space is “The New Normal” – Jothan Frakes of DomainFest [Audio] has got twenty tickets to give away to DomainFest Bulgaria next week. It's just one of the events which form part of Bulgarian Internet Week, in a country which ranks second in the world for Internet use

Dot-Irish Land Rush Begins

The launch of the new .IRISH top-level domain enters its Land Rush phase today. If you've got an idea which needs that special .IRISH domain name, now's your chance to get it before someone else does. Landrush is

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