Internet innovators Michael and Ciaran Crean from won the recognition of their peers in the Irish internet industry on Friday night when they took the overall award at the Dot IE Net Visionary Awards 2017. We were out in force from Blacknight, as one of the sponsors of the event, and we shot the […]
Tag Archives | ecommerce
How to Drive Online Footfall to your eCommerce Site [Video]
If you build it they will come? Not necessarily says website developer Alan O’Meara, who argues that online businesses must use a range of techniques to drive ‘online footfall’ to their digital doors. ‘Get a website up. Tick a box. We’re done – let’s see what happens’. Nothing will happen if you wait and see. Last […]
How to Make a Sustainable Living as an Artist by Selling Online [Video]
Trading Online isn’t just a bonus. For some people it can mean the difference between making a sustainable living, or not. Landscape Artist Cora Murphy used to work to a traditional business model: exhibiting in galleries, who took a commission on her sales. But she found that, for her, it simply didn’t generate enough income to make […]
30 SMEs on Shortlist Compete for IEDR OPTIMISE Fund
Voting is underway on a shortlist of 30 SMEs to decide on the companies who will share in the 2016 OPTIMISE Fund run by the IE Domain Registry (IEDR). It’s now over to the public to choose 10 winners from the 30-strong shortlist, with the remaining five winners selected by an independent expert panel. Voting opened on Friday […]
Accepting Payments Online is Easier than Ever – Realex Payments [Video]
Ireland’s SMEs have lagged behind internationally for the ability to accept payments online, but they are catching up fast, says Paul Dunne of Realex Payments. He was speaking at a free seminar for SMEs organised by Mulley Communications, in conjunction with the recent Blacknight SME Awards. Setting up an account with Realex Payments is as simple […]
IEDR Optimise 2015 [Video]
The IEDR have launched this year’s “Optimise” with a video featuring Francis Brennan: While many Irish small businesses have websites (though a lot still don’t!) of those that have sites only a small number of them are currently selling online. Applications are open until Friday 15th May 2015 and you can find full details on […]
Irish Business Online Sales Confidence Doubles
On the biggest day for online purchases in the calendar, new research from the Irish International Business Network (IIBN), reveals that almost a third (29.6%) of Irish businesses now believe e-commerce could help them grow their business, up from 16.2% last year. The IIBN Inter-trade and export report, which looks at the attitudes of Irish businesses […]
Parcel Motel Research Finds Irish Adults Spend €6.6million a Day Online
Parcel Motel, the round-the-clock delivery service for online shoppers, have released research detailing the online spending habits of Irish men and women. A survey of over 6,000 online shoppers has revealed that over €2.4billion* is spent a year online by Irish men and women on goods being delivered to their home, workplace or Parcel Motel. […]
“If You Love it, You’ll Succeed” says Michael Crean of [Video]
“I suppose it’s one of the myths that people have sometimes in terms of ecommerce businesses, that you can just set up a website and off you go; and you can go away on your holidays and everything else. It doesn’t happen that way … it’s all about hard work, all the way” Michael Crean is […]
Buy4Now Ecommerce Brings Online Retail to Scale [Video]
Buy4Now is a total ecommerce solution for online retail: they design, develop deploy and support retail websites on a large scale. Bob Curran is International Business Development manager for this Irish company, and last week he was Master of Ceremonies at the first Ecommerce Expo Ireland held in Dublin. [youtube][/youtube] “Most people that put the investment in […]