
Ryanair Levy “Website” Fee

A Ryanair Boeing 737-800, named Nyköping, take...

A Ryanair Boeing 737-800, named Nyköping, takes off from London Luton Airport, England. (2007) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Ryanair are always pushing the envelope when it comes to finding new sources of revenue.


In a recent announcement the budget airline announced they’d be introducing a 2% credit card fee, but they also went on to “slip in” a new 6 Euro “website” fee.


So, unless I’ve misread this, Ryanair want to charge their customers for using the airline’s website?


Here’s the relevant bit from the statement (emphasis added):


In addition, Ryanair’s €6/£6 admin fee (which covers costs associated with Ryanair’s website, www.ryanair.com) will apply to all new bookings made from 30 November, except those bookings made using a Ryanair Cash Passport in Ireland, Germany and Spain, where admin fees can be avoided until 1 February, 15 February and 21 March 2013, respectively.


Last time I checked the only way to book with Ryanair is via their website .. and when you check for flights you’re immediately assaulted with a full screen pop under window advertising their hotels .. And you have to solve a captcha to even see which flights are available:




Do you think it’s reasonable that RyanAir levy a fee for running their online shop front ie. their website?

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5 Responses to Ryanair Levy “Website” Fee

  1. gianniponzi December 3, 2012 at 9:37 am #

    Yet another reason to use Aer Lingus. Although I’m sure they’ll follow Ryanair’s lead…

  2. Niall O Broin December 7, 2012 at 9:54 am #

    Nearly nothing Ryanair does is reasonable, except to Ryanair – where it achieves their objective of screwing as much as they can from the customer, while still claiming to be cheap. I avoid flying with Ryanair wherever possible.

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