Today’s Google Doodle commemorates UCC’s first professor of Mathematics, George Boole, inventor of Boolean logic, “which inevitably enabled revolutionary thinking in not just logic and math, but also engineering and computer science”. For more on Boole and his legacy, check out UCC’s George Boole site. Meanwhile, I’ve gone and filled out the truth table, with a little help from […]
Tag Archives | Boolean algebra
UCC Lectures Kick Off Boole Bicentenary Celebrations
2015 is the bicentenary of George Boole, first professor of mathematics at University College Cork and forefather of the Information Age. UCC is beginning a year of celebration with the George Boole 200 Inaugural Lectures on the 5th February, 6pm. Professor Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli of the University of California Berkeley and Professor Muffy Calder OBE of the University of Glasgow will speak […]