Tag Archives | Fujitsu World Tour


Mobilising the Enterprise: Don’t Get Left Behind [Video]

Simon Gray is Head of Mobile Workplace Solutions at Fujitsu, UK and Ireland. He gave a talk, entitled Mobilising the Enterprise, at the Fujitsu World Tour at Dublin’s Convention Centre. According to Simon, businesses need to act fast to address the challenges and opportunities of the mobile enterprise. There is a danger that both customers and employees may […]

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NetApp’s Matt Watts on the Changing Role of IT in Business [Video]

Matt Watts is EMEA Director of Technology and Strategy at storage & data management provider, NetApp. He spoke at the Fujitsu World Tour event at the Convention Centre in Dublin last week, on the topic of The Changing Role of IT – Becoming a Broker of Services to Business. Technology.ie is powered by Blacknight, Ireland’s leading provider of domains and […]

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Barry Smyth, CEO, Insight Centre for Data Analytics

We have the Technology, We need Ethics to Match – Prof Barry Smyth, CEO Insight [Video]

Fujitsu brought their 2014 World Tour to the Convention Centre in Dublin last week. Professor Barry Smyth, CEO of the Insight Research Centre for Data Analytics, gave a talk entitled From Small Sensors to Big Data: The data driven business. Our modern mobile devices, explains Barry, are sensor platforms, contributing to the collection of 1 exabyte (=1 million […]

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Fujitsu World Tour Comes to Dublin

Research from global ICT solutions provider Fujitsu has revealed that nearly two thirds (63%) of leading Irish financial services CIOs and IT decision makers expect their budgets will increase within three years. Possible factors for the increase in expenditure include improved market conditions, expansion and the replacement of existing infrastructure. The research, which included areas […]

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