Google Quietly Celebrates Gay Rights
Google is well known for its "Easter Eggs". This one might have been around for some time, but it only came to my attention today: Just search for the term "gay" and you get it
Big Brother Is Watching
Privacy is and will continue to be a hot topic in tech circles over the coming years. With more and more of our daily lives being managed online we're going to be interacting with more and
Designer Strikes Back At NSA Presentation Style
While most of the media coverage and social media conversations around the NSA and Prism have focussed on the security and privacy implications, some people obviously thought that the NSA could have done a better job
Hangout Hiccups [Podcast #64]
Brought to you by Blacknight it’s the podcast episode 64 for June 7 2013 with Michele Neylon and Conn O Muineachain. Usually we use Skype to link up to record the show - but this week we experimented with Google+ Hangouts.
The Puppy Gets It [Podcast #61]
Easyjet does away with checkins This is very cool if you’re a Mac fan (but eye bleedingly expensive .. ). Twitter warns journos about security and open up their advertising platform. Ultra secure messaging - wipe the messages on
Anonymous Calling For Internet Blackout To Protest CISPA
Hacktivist group Anonymous is calling for an Internet Blackout to protest CISPA. In a statement on YouTube they expressed concerns about CISPA and called for action: Dear citizens of the internet, We are Anonymous. The United