Tag Archives | Summit


Why Paddy Cosgrave is Wrong about Irish Universities and Grade Inflation

Paddy Cosgrave says he thinks Trinity degrees are worth more than those from other universities because of ‘grade inflation’. But the research he quotes says Trinity’s grade inflation is as bad, if not worse. Yesterday, The Summit announced that it is creating 40 new jobs.  But cheers turned to boos, when it emerged that the operator of […]

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Matt Galligan of Circa

Day 2 at Web Summit

It’s another exciting day for attendees at Web Summit.  And it looks like being a busy night!  The organisers report that tonight’s closing party presented by Bing is booked out.  However they have added a second venue at  The Liquor Rooms on Wellington Quay, with capacity for another 400 attendees.  It will be open from 7.30pm – […]

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