Explaining Social Media – With Cats
Cats + social media = winning formula. Source
Pinterest Contacting Users Potentially Affected By ZenDesk Breach
Pinterest has been contacting users of the social network who may have been affected by the ZenDesk security breach. The security breach affected 3 of Zendesk's clients and Pinterest was one of them. The other two
Burger King’s Twitter Account Hacked
Hacking Twitter accounts happens all the time. Normally, however, the hacker does something overtly malicious. This time round, however, it's just plain odd. The Burger King Twitter account was hacked and is currently spewing out content
Pope Memes?
The Pope's announcement yesterday that he was resigning at the end of the month has led, inevitably, to quite a few amusing images doing the rounds. Here's a few we liked mostly from Facebook and Twitter.
About.me Buys Itself Back From AOL
About.me was acquired by AOL when it launched. However two years later the company's founders Tony Conrad and Ryan Freitas have just announced that they're independent again. The company is ambitious: Our commitment is to make
Social Media For Business – 5 Types of Follower You Need
Vocus have produced a graphic showing what they class as the "5 types of social followers your business needs" The 5 classes of follower are: The early adopter The social sharer The born follower The popular