Blacknight, which owns, is Ireland’s leading domain registrar. We sell domain names on behalf of domain registries like Verisign, who operate the dot-com and dot-net registries, and we work with them on marketing.
So when Verisign showed us their new international video ads, we knew just what to do!
Tá áthas agus bród orainn an físeán seo a chur i láthair, an chéad chéim do Blacknight sa mhargaíocht tré Ghaeilge.
It’s our first little step, but we’re proud of it!
Tuilleadh eolais ar bhlag Blacknight.
Next week, Step 2: Michele podcasts in Irish for Seachtain na Gaeilge! (Ssh! – I haven’t told him yet.)
I’d love to be able to podcast in Irish, but it’d be a very short show if I did 🙂