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Danny Macaskill’s Crazy Mountain Ridge Ride [Video]

Tá an fear seo Danny Macaskill glan scuabtha as a mheabhair, is léir! Beidh do chroí i do bhéal ag féachaint air ag rothaíocht ar an gCuilthionn, ar Oileán Sgítheanach.

What’s So Funny About the New MacBook? You Had to Be There [Video]

We've all seen 'Hitler Reacts'. Now meet El Risitas - the Spanish comedian who can't stop laughing at his own stories. He's the new template for a string of parody videos where the subtitles all tell

ICS Calls for Volunteers to Judge National Scratch Competition

The Irish Computer Society is looking for members to volunteer as judges for the National Scratch Competition. The Scratch competition run by the Irish Computer Society aims to raise students interest in software development, and related career

By |March 13, 2015|Categories: General|Tags: , , , , , , , , |4 Comments

BBC Announces the Micro Bit – A Personal Coding Device for Every Child

The BBC has announced a major project, developed in pioneering partnership with over 25 organisations, which aims to give a million "personal coding devices" free to every child in year 7 across the UK (corresponding to first year

By |March 13, 2015|Categories: General|Tags: , , , , , , |3 Comments

Museums and Galleries say No to Selfie Sticks

View image | "Excuse me - would you mind taking our picture?" It's a question you hear less often nowadays as the fashion for selfies has taken hold, and especially with the increasing use of 'selfie sticks' to

Twitter Museum Week starts March 23rd!

The second annual Twitter Museum Week, an online celebration of museums and galleries around the world, will take place from 23 to 29 March 2015 exclusively on Twitter and any museums, galleries or collections - no matter how large

View my Flipboard Magazine.
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