Domhnall Gleeson Stars in Ex_Machina
Domhnall Gleeson is set to play the lead role in the upcoming sci-fi movie Ex_Machina. What's the movie about? Artificial intelligence, which isn't exactly a new topic for Hollywood, but one that has been getting an
Twitpic “Saved” By Twitter At 11th Hour
Popular photo sharing service Twitpic was meant to be shutting down definitively today and taking with it all its content. The shutdown came as a result of a dispute between Twitpic and Twitter over trademarks and
Web Summit Full Schedule Published
The full schedule for Web Summit was published earlier today. The event will be held across several stages in the RDS with each stage being devoted to a different theme (well, sort of): Center Stage (sic)
RealexFire WebAwards Finalists Announced
The finalists in the 2014 RealexFire Irish Web Awards have been announced. You can see the full list here. Congratulations to all the finalists! We (Blacknight) are sponsoring two of the categories, as previously announced. Related
Apple Most Phished Brand Says APWG
The Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) has released their Global Phishing Survey for the first 6 months of 2014 (PDF). According to their research Apple is the most phished brand on the 'net: Apple’s brand and associated marques,
Netflix Finally Coming To Linux Desktops
Kevin Spacey in a scene from Netflix's "House of Cards." Photo credit: Melinda Sue Gordon for Netflix. Netflix will be available for desktop users of Linux without users needing to spoof their UserAgent or