Tag Archives | Broadband

Optical fibre

ESB & Vodafone €450m Joint Venture will bring Fast Fibre to Regional Towns

ESB and Vodafone today signed a joint venture agreement to invest €450 million in building a 100% fibre-to-the-building (or fibre-to-the-home, FTTH) broadband network offering speeds from 200 Mbps to 1000 Mbps which it claims will propel Ireland “into the ranks of the world’s fastest broadband countries”. Ireland will become the first country in Europe to utilise […]

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Alex Salter, CEO, SamKnows

Interview with Alex Salter, CEO, SamKnows [Audio]

Last week’s announcement that broadband measurement company SamKnows were coming to Ireland, generated a lot of interest. So we invited their CEO, Alex Salter, to join us for a podcast (18:24,10.5MB,MP3). Alex explained the background of the company, and their mission to address the deficit of hard data when it comes to actual broadband performance in markets […]

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Broadband Measurement Company SamKnows Launches Irish Campaign

SamKnows, the global leader in broadband measurement, today announced the launch of its new campaign in Ireland. Consumers are invited to sign up for free to help improve Ireland’s, and the world’s, broadband performance. SamKnows is searching for members of the public that want to influence how their country’s broadband is delivered. By measuring their broadband […]

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Ireland in Top 10 for Internet Speed

Ireland ranks 10th in the world for average internet connection speed according to the latest research by content delivery company Akamai.   Akamai have published their State of the Internet Report for Q3 2013.  With an average connection speed of 9.6 Mbps, Ireland ranks 10th globally, and 5th in EMEA, behind the Netherlands, Switzerland, Czech Republic […]

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UPC Upgrades its Basic Broadband to 120 Mbps

Writing in this morning’s Irish Independent, Adrian Weckler reports that UPC are upgrading their basic broadband package from 50Mbps to 120Mbps, along with similar increases for other packages, in a move designed to put ‘clear blue water‘ between themselves and Eircom. It’s good news for customers in areas that can receive the service, but as […]

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Comreg Reports Increase in Broadband Speeds

Comreg, the Irish Communications Regulator, has issued its latest report which covers Q2 2013 ie. April 1 to June 30. According to the report Irish broadband speeds have increased, mobile phone penetration is up. However, revenue per user (ARPU) is down. Here’s a few figures and quotes from their release: In Q2 approximately 37.5% of […]

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A Bit Of Tech Nostalgia

If you’ve been around for long enough then this sound will bring back memories. If you still hear the sound every day then you have my sympathies! If you don’t recognise it then you are too young to have lived through the joys of 56k dialup modems 🙂

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