The BBC has launched a new computer game featuring The Doctor and a friendly Dalek, and aimed at teaching kids how to code. Unfortunately, it’s only available in the UK, where it can be downloaded from from tomorrow. It’s a great idea though, and a welcome continuation of the BBC tradition of promoting computing, dating back to […]
Tag Archives | Doctor Who
Confessions of a Late-Life Doctor Who Fan
There are two kinds of people in Ireland: those who grew up with British TV and those who didn’t. For the second group, there will always be references that go right over our heads and for me, until recently, Doctor Who was among them. I missed the reboot of Doctor Who in 2005 because, by then, […]
Doctor Who Reimagined – Power Rangers Style
So a bunch of Japanese guys decided to have a go at re-imagining Doctor Who. Am I the only one who thinks they’ve captured the essence of the Time Lord’s adventures? I particularly like the Sonic Screw Sword! This could catch on. Imagine Fawlty Towers next? Or Oireachtas Report? HT: Graham Cluley says it’s the “weirdest thing […]
Exploring The Tardis Via Google Maps
Some of the “easter eggs” that you can find embedded in Google products are fun and oh so very geeky. Today’s find (thanks Rick) is the Tardis. Here’s a quick screen grab of what you can see, in case they disable it.. Enjoy 🙂