The Periodic Table of Edible Elements
The Science and Home Economics Departments joined forces in Ennis Community College and Gaelcholáiste an Chláir last week, as the Clare schools, which share a campus, hosted an Open Night for prospective students and their families.
Spectacular SpaceX Images are Free on Flickr
SpaceX, the commercial Space company founded by Elon Musk has created an account on Flickr and published over 100 pictures under a Creative Commons licence. In so doing they are apparently following NASA's lead which has
Yahoo! Acquires Vizify Service To Shutter In September
Yahoo! has acquired Vizify. The announcement was made earlier today. Vizify, if you aren't familiar with it, offered a simple visual tool to create a virtual bio or CV based on content you shared with social
British Library Adds 1 Million Free Images to Flickr
The British Library has just uploaded a million images to Flickr, and they're all copyright-free! The images come from books held by the library dating from the 17th, 18th and 18th century which have been digitised
Hurricane Sandy’s impact measured by millions of Flickr pictures
A new study has discovered a striking connection between the number of pictures of Hurricane Sandy posted on Flickr and the atmospheric pressure in New Jersey as the hurricane crashed through the US state in 2012.
Geodiscovery with Tapastreet
Tapastreet is a brand new startup. Fresh from the Facebook hackathon on Wednesday, they came to TBEX knowing that travel bloggers would be excited to see their product. The thing about social media is that it