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Original Star Wars Trilogy Gets A Proper Trailer

Fans of Star Wars rejoice, for finally someone has put together a fantastic trailer for the original trilogy. Sure, it's a mashup, but it's very well done. I've now got an overwhelming desire to dig out

“Chewy – We’re Home!” – Second Star Wars VII Trailer is Released [Video]

"The force is strong in my family" - the voice of Luke Skywalker narrates this second trailer for the upcoming Star Wars Episode VII. And look - there's Han and Chewy!

Star Wars The Force Awakens Teaser Lego Version [Video]

The first teaser trailer for the upcoming release of Star Wars The Force Awakens was released on Friday. And essentially "broke the internet". Since the trailer's release Star Wars have been active producing memes, analysis of

By |November 30, 2014|Categories: Video|Tags: , , , , , |12 Comments

Standing On the Trapdoor [Podcast #48]

Brought to you by Blacknight it’s the podcast episode 48 with Michele Neylon and Conn O Muineachain. “You have failed me for the last time” (Tim Cooke is a bad-ass!)  Speaking of Star Wars … disney buys Lucasfilm, announces Episode VII.

By |November 2, 2012|Categories: Podcasts|Tags: , , , |2 Comments

Web Reactions To Lucas Film Sale To Disney

Last night (Irish time) Disney announced that they were acquiring Lucas Film. They also announced plans for another instalment of the Star Wars franchise. George Lucas spoke about the acquisition yesterday: [youtube][/youtube] So how did people

By |October 31, 2012|Categories: General|Tags: , , , , |1 Comment
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