Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan have just welcomed their baby daughter Max. And they’ve announced that they are going to follow the example of Bill and Melinda Gates by setting up a foundation to give away 99% of their Facebook shares over the course of their lifetime. In a 2000 word open […]
Tag Archives | Philanthropy
Bill and Melinda Gates on Why Philanthropy Works [Video]
Earlier this year Bill Gates posted his annual letter from the Gates Foundation, with some very encouraging data on the impact of philanthropy and development aid on poverty and quality of life. Last month, he and his wife Melinda took part in an interview with Chris Anderson on stage at TED. They talked about the […]
US iTunes Store Now Offers Charity Donations To Red Cross
US iTunes users now have the option to make donations to the American Red Cross directly from within iTunes. Users can choose to donate amounts from USD$5 up to USD$200 directly from within their iTunes account. Apple has been rolling out a number of payment options for users of subscription services like Hulu via iTunes […]