Tag Archives | Tim Cook


Tim Cook Comes Out: “I’m Proud to be Gay”

Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, has publicly declared that he is gay, in an editorial published today in Bloomberg BusinessWeek. #455048252 / gettyimages.com He writes that he has been “open with many people” about his sexuality for many years, but that coming from “humble roots”, he doesn’t seek to draw attention to himself. However, he says that he […]

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Video thumbnail for youtube video Apple's Vision According to Tim Cook

Apple’s Vision According to Tim Cook

Apple’s CEO Tim Cook provides the voice to a new video from Apple that comes with the simple title “Better”. The video talks about Apple’s environmental credentials and how they’re working on improving them, but it’s also pretty clear that Apple’s “better” refers to its products as well. Here’s the video: http://youtu.be/EdeVaT-zZt4  

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