TEDxCorkWomen is on tonight! Here’s the last of the videos we shot at the launch event last month. Dr Shirley Gallagher is one of the speakers at TEDxCorkWomen. A native of Arranmore Island in Co. Donegal, she is working on a Sustainable Islands project supported by the EU.
[youtube]http://youtu.be/nmRJPSnrdPE[/youtube]Tickets for TEDxCorkWomen are, unfortunately, sold out. But as with any TED event, you can expect to see the videos online in due course. Blacknight are sponsors, and Technology.ie will also be there tonight to capture the reaction after the event.
RT @blacknight: TEDxCorkWomen will Blow Your Minds: http://t.co/NIEOhF4dlg
#TEDxCorkWomen is on tonight! Here is a video interview with @shirleyatsyspro who is one of the speakers http://t.co/sbqHU7aiSi
RT @conn: #TEDxCorkWomen is on tonight! Here is a video interview with @shirleyatsyspro who is one of the speakers http://t.co/sbqHU7aiSi
RT “@conn: #TEDxCorkWomen is on tonight! Here is a video interview with @shirleyatsyspro who is one of the speakers http://t.co/remVg2aSNL”
RT @conn: #TEDxCorkWomen is on tonight! Here is a video interview with @shirleyatsyspro who is one of the speakers http://t.co/sbqHU7aiSi
RT @CFFAM: RT “@conn: #TEDxCorkWomen is on tonight! Here is a video interview with @shirleyatsyspro who is one of the speakers http://t.co/…
RT @conn: #TEDxCorkWomen is on tonight! Here is a video interview with @shirleyatsyspro who is one of the speakers http://t.co/sbqHU7aiSi