Blacknight Horse Heads

“Let’s do the podcast live this week”, I said to Michele.

“OK”, he said, without batting an eyelid.  So we did!

Of course, he wanted to know about the technical side – so we started the show with that.  We had previously experimented with Google Hangouts for the show, with mixed results.  This time we kept it simple, using our normal podcast recording setup and simply sending the audio to a streaming server as we recorded.

We usually link up over Skype, running the output from the Mac in my studio through an external sound mixing desk, and send the output from the mixer to a Windows PC which records using Adobe Audition, which I also use for editing.

To broadcast live, I installed a stream encoder called BUTT on the windows machine.  BUTT connects as a client to Icecast, which is a streaming server I installed on a Blacknight Cloud Server running CentOS.  Configuration on the server was very simple, then configure the firewall to allow port 8000, and we’re on the  air!

It was just a test, and we didn’t publicise it until the last minute.  Still we had a nice gathering of about 10 listeners, and it looks like we’ll be trying it again.

So we talked about the usual stuff …

Netflix adds “my list” feature and new content from Weinstein Films.  (Jason Roe, who was in the chatroom recommends  He also wants a plug for ParkYa! ;)

Zuck wants to connect the world:  And Facebook now enables embedding for everyone.  If you’re using WordPress there’s a plugin that supports it – though it takes a bit of tweaking.

Lots of quality images for free from the Getty Museum.

Amazon sells Condé Nast subscriptions, and we discuss their recent downtime (more here).

In Blacknight news, Michele explains how they use social media for customer service, and re-iterates that Blacknight hosting is not impacted by PRISM.

PRISM concerns continue, as legal blog Groklaw announces that it is shutting down over privacy concerns.

De interwebs in 1997!

Nice little gadget: credit card sized USB cable.

Gary Vee is promoting a new book.  “Promoting” is an understatement!

Random fact – today marks 26 years since the release of Dirty Dancing.

Bradley Manning sentenced to 35 years – lawyer to ask Obama for a pardon. is brought to you by Blacknight, Ireland’s largest provider of domains and hosting.  They’ve given their YouTube channel a fresh coat of paint and pushed out a bunch of new video tutorials.  Visit

Like the show?  We love making it!  Subscribe with iTunes or RSS.

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About the Author: Conn Ó Muíneacháin
Conn Ó Muíneacháin works at Blacknight, Ireland's largest provider of domains and hosting. He's an award-winning radio producer, podcaster and blogger. He's an engineer as well (not the award-winning kind). Conn produces video for Blacknight and edits Labhair Gaeilge leis!
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3 min readCategories: PodcastsTags: , , , , , , , Last Updated: August 22, 2013

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