XKCD on Tech for Tech’s Sake
This recent cartoon from XKCD will strike a chord with many, especially those of us who maintain aging systems.
Build your Own Jony Ive Soundtrack!
For those fanboys and girls who just can't get enough of Jony Ive saying "aluminium" in his soothing English tones, check out JonyJive.com! Choose from a range of words and phrases used by Apple's design guru,
Fatherhood? Piece of Cake! [Video]
Those of us who are dads know that, while it's important to be dependable, supportive, encouraging, patient and kind, what we're really good at is taking the bows on centre stage. That, and opening jars. So here's a tribute
Cat Terminal Velocity & the Cat-Butter Perpetual Motion Machine
So cats always land on their feet? Well - maybe they do - but that's not what saves them from death. It turns out that feline aerodynamics are such that a cat's 'terminal velocity' - the constant
Can’t Get an Apple Watch? Never Mind – Just Build an Apple II Watch Instead!
Apple Watch goes on view today in the US UK and other countries - but not yet in Ireland. But here's a fun project to design an build an anachronistic Apple II Watch - a device
First There was a Guinea Pig Bridge, Then a YouTube Video, Now a Song!
The next time someone says "what has the Internet ever done for us", show them this video. https://youtu.be/bq9ghmgqoyc I rest my case :) Beannachtaí na Cásca - Happy Easter! HT: Boing Boing