Tag Archives | IndieGoGo


It’s Not a Good Time to be a Gatekeeper says Clay Hebert [Video]

Clay Hebert thinks gatekeepers are a good idea – but only up to a point: “I’m glad that there are gatekeepers for pilots and for surgeons, but in this entrepreneurial world – entrepreneurs and creative endeavours – we give the gatekeepers too much power” Clay sees crowdfunding as a challenge to the historic stranglehold of gatekeepers on creative projects, […]

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The Oatmeal Helps Buy Tesla Property

Remember the entire Tesla vs Edison thing a couple of months back? Shortly after that The Oatmeal started a fund on IndieGogo to help buy Tesla’s old workshop in Shoreham, New York – the Wardenclyffe tower and surrounding land. Earlier this evening they announced that they’d signed the paperwork for the deal: It's official: we […]

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Find And Buy Cool Crowdfunded Tech

Crowdfunding is a cool concept, but what happens to all those products when they become available to buy? How can you find them easily? Outgrow.me tries to solve this with its marketplace of crowdfunded products from Kickstarter and IndieGoGo. You can search by “tag” or sort by availability ie. available to buy now vs. accepting pre-orders […]

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