Tag Archives | Split Croatia


Shift Conference is a Bridge to Startup Culture in Croatia [Audio]

You can’t simply “recreate” Silicon Valley in a place like Croatia, says Ivan Burazin. “We’re on the Mediterranean here”, he says, “most people are a little bit easygoing”. Instead Ivan is working to build a bridge, combining the best of both Eastern European and Silicon Valley culture. That bridge is called Shift, the conference which will be held next week […]

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Datacentre Pr0n [Podcast #63]

Brought to you by Blacknight it’s the technology.ie podcast episode 63 for May 30 2013 with Michele Neylon and Conn O Muineachain Michele’s back from the Shift Conference in Split, Croatia, where he gave a talk on domains. Daft Punk break records on Spotify.  Rijksmuseum shares high resolution images of its catalogue.  Yahoo buys Tumblr and gives […]

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