APWG, the Anti-Phishing Working Group, is the worldwide coalition unifying the global response to cybercrime across industry, government and law-enforcement sectors. Originally begun in the US, its European Foundation was recently established, and will receive a special focus this month when the organisation holds the eCrime 2015 Symposium on Electronic Crime Research, in Barcelona.
Foy Shiver is Deputy Secretary-General of APWG, and he is our guest on today’s podcast. Click on the player above to listen to the show, or download it here: 17:49; 10MB; MP3.
Normally we run two major events a year; one focused on the operations side of security, and the other focused more on the research side. This year, with the new foundation we set up in Europe … we combined them into one big event … a kickoff for the new European organisation.
This year, for the first time, the APWG will dedicate a panel to cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, chaired by APWG Chairman and cryptocurrency expert Dave Jevans, who says that cryptocurrencies have grown tremendously in the last two years:
“Along with that growth has come the attention of the cybercrime underground. From the Mt. Gox hack that lost more than $500 million and killed the company, to the recent attack on Bitstamp and all the malware that is trying to steal user wallets, criminals have clearly entered the space. These sessions at the APWG eCrime Conference will give attendees the knowledge they need to understand the risks and the new security approaches for handling cryptocurrencies.”
For Foy Vance, it’s a question of getting “the smartest people around the table” to discuss the implications and share the experience. That’s characteristic of APWG’s approach in other areas as well, and he expects to cater for 200-250 of the best minds in the technology and security world over 4 days from May 26 to 29 in Barcelona.
Highlights of eCrime 2015 will include:
- APWG Chairman and cryptocurrency expert Dave Jevans will moderate a Bitcoin crime and fraud prevention panel that covers the latest Bitcoin trends and ongoing security challenges that remain in the digital currency world.
- Ken Miller, COO of Gem and payments expert, will discuss the latest standards, protocols and best practices for Bitcoin security for consumers, merchants and payment processors, as well as what’s needed for mass adoption.
- Law enforcement experts from EC3-EUROPOL, the FBI, Spanish eCrime Police Unit and National Police Agency of Japan will share their perspectives and discuss awareness and dissemination as prevention strategies.
- Leading industry analysts from companies like CaixaBank, Telefónica, Tripwire, PandaLabs and Kaspersky will cover topics ranging from mobile threats and attacks to global phishing trends, risk assessments and metrics and share case studies and valuable research information.
- A special eCrime meetup with the Barcelona Bitcoin community will be held the evening of May 26.
Sponsors of the APWG 2015 Symposium on Electronic Crime Research include CaixaBank, Telefónica, Verisign and Easy Solutions. You can check out a listing of accepted papers here; here’s the working agenda; and you can register here.
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