… I’d go out to Lidl or Aldi for a pound of sausages, and I’d come home with a pound of sausages, and a cordless drill, and a wetsuit, and an inflatable dinghy, and a portable generator … – Mickey MacConnell
What I like about Aldi and Lidl is the lack of choice. There’s usually only one brand of everything, and we know what we like. With the kids helping me, I can get in and out in 20 minutes with our full weekly shop.
The other thing I like about those shops is something of a guilty pleasure for me, and I suspect for many others. Those centre aisles with a rotating selection of hardware, DIY, clothes, electronics and ‘you’ll never guess what’! It’s great fun to browse, but be careful about being seduced by bargains, as Mickey MacConnell warns in this song.
I’ve been an admirer of Mickey MacConnell for years. He’s a journalist and songwriter with a gift for language. There’s a good chance you’ve heard The Politician’s Song before, or Only Our Rivers Run Free, which was recorded by Christy Moore. It’s appropriate that he’s shown here performing in the Listowel pub of legendary playwright John B Keane.
Mickey’s got plenty of humorous songs in the best tradition of satirical ballads, and now he has a YouTube viral hit. The Ballad of Lidl and Aldi has accumulated almost half a million views in the past year.
Fancy having a go at it yourself? Here are the lyrics in full!
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